Mobility Seminar

I had the pleasure of attending a CrossFit Mobility Cert with Dr. Danny Matta and Andrew Killion today at CrossFit Ybor. We covered a lot of things and gave me inspiration to continue moving my Physical Therapy treatments more towards the patient’s responsibility for their own mobility and soft tissue corrections and me to teach them how.

My pain face (aka laughing) during 2 for 1 quad mashing. All the lunges and squats yesterday didn’t help!


The class getting some thoracic mobilization done.


Dr. Danny and I.



Arrrrr!!! Nearby the gym (TAS) in Tampa I went to today there was a lady pirate.

A. Squat clean – build to a max for the day

Up to 205. That’s 5# per week for the last month or so ๐Ÿ™‚ if I can just keep that up. Hehe

B. Front rack deficit reverse lunges; 20 alt’ing steps x5; rest 2 min (2″)

At 115 I felt this in my previous quad strain when that leg was behind me. Not like pain, just knew it was there so I went down to 105 so I could go slow and do most of the work with the front leg.

For time:
1 mile run buy in (scored as a separate event)
4 rounds for time:
15 unbroken thrusters 80#
50 unbroken double unders

Mile: 7:31
Total 17:50
Second part of this was hard. Thrusters really got me breathing. First time I think I’ve done them since July. On the last 3 rounds I did 9, paused at the top, then 3 more, then a breath at the top on the last 3. Tripped once in the last set of DU.

8 today. Felt really good. Only thing sore was my hip flexors. And they’re pretty darn sore but can’t figure out what from?

Hanging out with good friends in Tampa. Miss them in Naples!



Almost wanted to sleep in today… Almost!

A. Strict hspu; 60 for time (no singles)

Did all sets of 5s and then 3s and 2s.

B. Ring dips @41×1; accumulate 65 reps not for time (no singles – keep
it controlled and take your time like last time)

3s and 2s like the HSPUs.

C. Double overhead waiters carry 100m x5; rest as needed to recovery
bw sets (moderate load, focus on positioning)

35# KB per hand walked 60m rested 15-20sec. then finished. Love anything overhead.

D. Side plank rocks 8″ elevation – 10 reps/side x4; rest 1 min bw
sides (on hand and feet elevated to an 8″ platform, sag your hips to
the ground, rock up into a side plank and hold for 2 seconds at the
top of each rep)

These were not bad but I have this weird premonition I might be sore from them. We’ll see!

8 – Had a hard time getting myself up this morning before work but once I got there it was all good and since I was running late I had to push to get it all done. Hamstring still a little aggravated but improving. Bout it.


Eva says she wants to go to the East Coast Championships because she knows they’ll have Kill Cliff!

A. Deadlift; build to a tough double – not a 2rm

Up to 275. I have an issue once the bar starts moving slower off the floor it scares me to fight through it and break form at all so in the gym I usually just drop it.

B. Banded clean pulls 4×4; rest 2 min

Red band + 155 – these are fun, don’t know why.

C. 10 tng deadlift on the min for 6 min 125#


D. Weighted 45# sorensen hold – amsap x3; rest 2 min

37/40/40sec. – not fun

Row 1k @85-90% effort
rest 3 min
Row 750m @90-95% effort
Rest 2 min
Row 500m @95-100% effort
rest 1 min
Row 250m @100% effort

Seemed like today first thing to go was my legs getting all lactic then when that made holding the pace hard the breathing went high. All this happened in the 2min. realm give or take. I’m sure the lower back isometrics didn’t help either but I didn’t feel that.

Swim 20-30 min

Swam 4x250m non-stop and rested the remainder of 5:30 each time which was usually about 0:40.

I’m asking for under water headphones for Christmas! I’m almost out of the hate zone into the maybe this is ok zone with swimming but music would get me there! If I’ve gotten better at one thing this year though it’s definitely swimming!
mobility work (anterior hips) 20-30 min

Energy very good today. 8 or so. Maybe finally recovered from the weekend. My ankle is a bit sore from the jumping and 400+ DUs and R hamstring still a bit annoyed.


Can’t believe Barney’s been gone a year already. This was his last time swimming. He had a ball! Remembering it now makes me think to enjoy all of the things I get to do while I get to do them!

I actually switched the AM and PM today because I was short on time before work.


30 seconds max box jumps 24″ (step down)
30 seconds max double unders (aim as an unbroken set)
30 seconds max calories airdyne
30 seconds max double unders
rest 2 min
x6 sets

Lots of trips this morning on the rope. Just couldn’t get it quite together. All of the rounds I tripped on are circled.



A. Split jerk; build to a tough single fast

First time going over 200# since July. I’ll take it.
145 165 185 195 205 215 225 235 240F

B. Push press; 10, 10, 10, 10; rest 90 seconds

125 125 125 130 – thought that would be harder than it was.

C1. Wall facing static hs hold; accumulate 90 sec x5; rest 1 min
Did these UB each round. Not super easy but my pain tolerance to HS holds is high.

C2. Wide grip above the bar static hang; accumulate 1 min (no resting
chin on the bar, take your hands as wide as you can) x5; rest 1 min
These were not UB. More like 3-4 sets per round.

D. Leverage assisted support hold on rings (focus on ext rotation); 1
min accumulated x4; rest 2 min

These are just hard for me. I was too rounded to do them. Here’s me trying from a fully externally rotated position to hold it. I’m not sure how male gymnasts do it!

This morning had a little more energy than the evening, 8 and 6 respectively. (Scale of 1-10, 10 being the best). Only thing bothering me right now is the right hamstring.

Box Battles 2014 A Friendly Local Beach Competition

Last weekend I had the pleasure of competing at a smaller local team competition on the beach. As you can see we were having fun and smiling through most of the events.

I knew when Jimmy asked me to be on the team it would be for fun and I’m glad I did, because fun we had. My teammates are not particularly competitive CrossFitters past participation in the Open and local team events, but they all are dedicated members at Real Fitness, Naples. Jason on the far right is actually a Masters competitor and Elvia does quite well in local triathlons. The competition wasn’t as serious for us as some teams, but at 3.2.1.GO we still went all out on each event.


The entire event was held at the Marco Island Marriot Beach Resort. I’m not sure they could have picked a better venue. In between workouts we would hit the pool and I just felt like the whole weekend was one big vacation. Not kidding it was this pretty.


Because of the sandy venue we didn’t have your typical CrossFit events and no pull-up rig or gymnastics. It was more like a team strong man competition with some swimming, paddle boarding and burpees mixed in. Our main friends for the weekends were logs, stones, sand bags, sleds, and buckets full of water (actually the largest bucket was quite unfriendly!) as you can see.

This event wore my buddie Jimmy out! This is also something I don’t typically do at competitions to the other competitors, lol.

Also in between events there was time to visit with friends, hang out, and drink some Kill Cliff.


All of our judging volunteers were great all weekend even out in the heat event after event. One being my friend and roommate for the weekend Kaiea.

Here’s another friend Dan judging my stone to shoulder and taking note as I palm the ball back down to the ground to make it go faster. They were a whopping 35#!

Later in that event Jason and I had to front squat log 50 times. Now that was not as easy!


I think we can agree out shinning moment was the crab walk though. Not to toot my own horn but I may have been the fastest crab walker in Southwest Florida. It’s a hidden talent few know about…


After the competition I was able to get in a 1/2 hour ocean swim with Jeff Evans, who came down to watch people from his gym compete. The swim felt really good for not having swam that far since the Games.

Before I end with some more friend photos I’d like to congratulate the winners from the weekend and thank Fit Nation for hosting the event. It was a great time for everyone from the everyday CrossFit goer to Games competitor like myself. I also found it a great way for me to have a little fun during the off season and break the monotony of training so hard alone most days.

Without further ado more fun photos.


Turtles, dolphins, and eagles? Merica F yeah!






5 sets @moderate/low aerobic pace
Run 800m
15 burpees
10 muscle ups
rest 2:30 bw sets

Sets around 7min. each. Was definitely dragging A$$ this morning and it’s still 90deg in FL!

A. Squat snatch x1/Hang squat snatch x1/Heaving snatch balance x1/OHS x1
– 1 complex on the min for 9 min (3 light, 3 moderate, 3 ‘heavy’-ish)
115 125 125 135 135 145 155 155 165 ๐Ÿ™‚ I HEART snatch complexes!


B. Squat clean clusters 1.1.1×5; rest 20 sec/rest 3 min (push the load
to technical failure – ie hips)

155 165 165 175 175 – tried to catch these and stop the weight before hitting full bottom and skip the stretch reflex. Felt like my elbows and thoracic broke forward more than my hips came up doing them this way.

C. Front squat @6161; 5×5; rest 3 min
115 then 105 the rest. Heavy as I could go and be perfect (well near) going this dang slow.

6 min amrap:
20 unbroken wall balls
10 box jumps 30″ (no re-bound)

Got thru the 4th set of UB Wall Balls (20#) at 6:10. Felt better after round 1 than I thought I would. Legs def tired from the tempo work though.

This AM I was just dragging and I’m guessing still dehydrated. Felt like a 4. This evening my legs were aching heading in but then they felt great. Well until the tempo squats. More like an 8. (Working off a scale of 1-10 now. 1 is sick in bed and 10 feeling like a 5 year old).


Why Hello Monday!


30sec. @80-85% (~10cal)
30sec. Recover
x20 rounds


Did the partner gym WoD but without a partner. Tried to take it at an aerobic consistent pace.

30min. Row for calories
At Min. 5, 15, & 25 perform 20 pull-ups (I did c2b)
At Min. 10 & 20 perform 20 burpees

Total 324 cals and like 5,954m. Tried to keep the row btw 900-950 cal/hr. All c2b UB but I can tell I haven’t done pull-ups in a while.

Changing my 1-10 so 10 is feeling perfect and 1 is dead on my feet now. Today was about a 7. Legs a little tired, can feel all the sun and possibly the tropical drinks from the weekend. Only thing that’s sore is my lower traps. Thinking from the 50 stone to shoulder?


A. Squat snatch; build to a tough single for the day in 4 tough sets

Worked up pretty much OTM. Didn’t have a lot in the tank today but at least the squat didn’t feel like the hard part anymore.
85 105 115 125 135 145 150 155 160 165 170

B. Squat clean x1/hang squat clean x1/Pause front squat x2 – build to
a tough single of the complex

105 125 135 145 155 – hips started coming up first there

C. Front squat; 5 tough singles; rest 3 min

195 no bounce

D. Hip Belt squats; 10-12×3; rest 2 min

70# kinda fun

10–>1 unbroken hang squat clean for time 115#

6:04 – I think I had to wait for my breathing to slow to pick up the bar more than my legs to be ready again.

A. Push press x6/Push jerk x4/Split jerk x1 – 5 tough complexes; rest
3 min bw complexes

145 150 150 155 155

B. Strict ring dips @41×1; 10 for time x6; rest 3 min (on perfect tempo)

1:22 1:44 2:12 2:51 2:53 3:30 – lotsa singles like LOTSA

C. Weighted vest strict hspu; accumulate 30 perfect reps (10#)

19 1/2 min. :/ tried to wait long enough so I didn’t start arching or sticking my head out on them. 28 singles haha

D. FLR on rings in full external rotation and hollow body position –
accumulate 3 min of perfect form

Felt this in my pecs

E. 45 degree externally rotated bent knee L-sit support hold on
paralletes; accumulate 3 min perfect form

These I just feel in my abs not so much arms.

AM was about a 5 and PM a 3 or 4. Getting better each day. Right quad gets right from squatting but no pain. Just keep mobilizing I guess.


Ya know what… Stop worrying who’s looking… Stop caring how many likes you got… Find the passion for it within yourself… Because:

Happy Humpday

A. Negative bar muscle ups; accumulate 20 SLOW controlled reps (try to
stay vertical through the bar dip instead of leaning over)

Better than last week. Still a little awkward.

B. Rope pull ups @31×3; 4 reps/side x5; rest 1 min bw sides (low hand
at the elbow of the high hand

Ow forearms

C. 45 degree externally rotated parallete support hold bent knee L-sit
hold; accumulate 3 min for quality

Hard on the abs not the arms

Run 800m @moderate, but sustainable pace
rest 1:1
x5 sets

Still not feeling great this am and not certain how accurate the 800 is at our gym but there’s one turn around. Last time I did them at another one.
4:17 4:10 4:01 3:57 3:49 – most comfortable my body has felt running in a long time. I mean besides running itself is hard barely noticed my ankle or hamstrings.

Bout a 4 today. Last night I was pretty stuffed up so it was hard to sleep and had to take a NyQuil. I’m going to take one ahead of time tonight. Feel a little run down cause of the cold but body feels pretty awesome otherwise.


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